Beginning with Bones

At the end of last term, the Experimental Drawing group said they would like to work with the human form and sculpture. In this first session by artist Melissa Pierce Murray, teenagers make observational drawings of a 1/4 life size model of a skeleton to understand the structure of the human body and look at work by Alberto Giacometti and Henri Matisse.

You can see all the resources by Melissa in this series here: ‘From Bones and Body to Structure and Form’, exploring drawing and sculptural responses to form, forces and anatomy.

Studying a Skeleton Drawing


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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

The AccessArt Village and How a Small Idea can be Big

See how primary school pupils responded to the AccessArt Village in Mansfield Central Library

This was a very special day for Sheila Ceccarelli from AccessArt, as she got to meet and work with sixty, year five pupils from Berry Hill Primary School in Mansfield Central Library, with colleagues from Inspire Arts Service, who had previously facilitated the development of the AccessArt Village across Nottinghamshire.

Making an Ink and Wax Village with Pupils in Mansfield

This was a very special day for Sheila Ceccarelli from AccessArt, as she got to meet and work with sixty, year five pupils from Berry Hill Primary School in Mansfield Central Library, with colleagues from Inspire Arts Service, who had previously facilitated the development of the AccessArt Village across Nottinghamshire.

Day of the Dead Skulls

Drawing Soft Toys Inspired by “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak

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Sarah's Saturday Art Club
Sarah's Saturday Art Club
Sarah's Saturday Art Club
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