Printmaking By Scarlett Rebecca

By Scarlett Rebecca

In this post printmaker Scarlett shows us in depth how she creates prints using Linocut and Lithography. From cutting away at Lino and setting lines in acid, to using different types of print presses, Scarlett demonstrates the steps she takes to create her work. This post would be of interest to teenagers looking to find out more about printmaking processes.

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

Which Artists: Claire Harrup

What We Like About This Resource….

“We really enjoyed reading about the process of creating art work according to a design brief and how the experience of this differs to when an artist begins with their own idea or concept. That’s not to say an artist can’t approach a brief with their own individual style and ideas, but what this post shows us is that there can be a balance between the two. This would be a great resource to show older KS pupils who may be beginning to consider their options beyond Primary School”. – Rachel, AccessArt

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