Literacy Boost Project: James & the Giant Peach Garden by Cordelia Spalding

40 artist title Doo - Cordelia Spalding

Literacy Boost Project: “James &The Giant Peach Garden” by Cordelia Spalding
Literacy Boost Project: “James &The Giant Peach Garden” by Cordelia Spalding


In this resource, artist Cordelia Spalding, shares her extraordinarily creative ‘literacy’ project which made creativity happen in all sorts of ways in a local school.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Literacy Boost Project: “James & the Giant Peach Garden” by Cordelia Spalding

Every now and again you get a commission that is truly joyful and this for me was one of them!

The school has a fantastic team of teachers, parents and supporters led by an open minded and forward thinking Head!

Together with pupils’ input they made a decision that learning about literature, English, reading and writing wasn’t just something to be taught and learnt but something to “get involved with”, something that could be made tangible and therefore accessible in new ways and something that should have FUN at its very heart.

In particular, there was a need to create particular engagement opportunities for boys and to ensure the work had a strong outdoors/kinetic element and CPD support for staff.

To find a way to start the ball rolling, opinions were sought on what was the school’s “favourite book”. With universal appeal to all pupils, much loved by parents and teachers, “James and the Giant Peach” by Roald Dahl was the name that kept coming up!

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