Art Club Cafe

By Anna Campbell

In this post AccessArt contributor and Art Lead Anna Campbell takes her class on a creative culinary journey, using a range of making techniques to create a modelled cafe.


This project was made with children from Years 3-6 (ages 7-11). I wanted to create a term of sessions using and exploring textures, and to give the children the opportunity to work with lots of different media. I decided that an Art Club Cafe would be an awesome idea.

Notes for Teachers

  • What age range is this activity aimed at?

    Year 3 – Year 6 (Ages 7-11). Due to the nature of some of the skills involved (sewing, cutting fabric) it would be more of a challenge for early years – but some processes could be replaced with using paint and drawing, making it more accessible to younger groups.

  • What processes and skills does it use?

    • Observational drawing
    • Sculpting skills
    • Design through making
    • Creating textures and patterns with clay
    • Cutting, measuring and joining fabric
    • Experimenting with colours
  • What materials will I need?

    For the doughnuts:

    Mod roc
    Round dish sponges (optional)

    For the boiled egg and soldiers:

    Egg shells
    Plaster of Paris

    For the burger pots:

    Air dry clay
    Tempera paint

    For the pizzas:

    Scrap material
    Quilt wadding
    Fabric glue
    Sewing thread and needles

    Sketchbooks or Watercolour paper

    To paint a picnic:

    Large plain sheet
    Watercolours and inks
    Picnic food!

    For the exhibition (optional):

    Cheap burger boxes and paper sheets
    Pizza boxes
    Egg cups

  • How long will the activity take?

    A terms’ worth of sessions.
    11 sessions at 1 hour each and 1 hour for the exhibition



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