A Model Studio by Susie Olczak

By Susie Olczak

The aim of these two sessions was to offer teenagers exposure to skills that would be useful in a real life creative working environment. The tasks mimicked a professional working studio.

Students working together as a team creating a model pavilion with Susie olczak
Students working together as a team creating a model pavilion with Susie Olczak


I introduced the session by showing examples of existing architecture and pavilions such as those created for the Serpentine Gallery in Hyde park each summer for inspiration. I kept the introduction as brief as possible in order to keep the pace fast and exciting and so the students had freedom to explore without me dictating what they should do.

Inspirational images as a starting point from Susie Olczak's 'Studio Workshop' for teenagers from AccessArt's Experimental Drawing Class
Inspirational images as a starting point from Susie Olczak’s ‘Studio Workshop’ for teenagers from AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class


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Making a Collagraph Print by Suzie Mackenzie

Printmaking with Salvaged Sticky Back Aluminium Foil, Mixed Media and Cardboard

Miniature Matchbox Museums by Anna Linch

Flat Yet Sculptural? Drawing, Collage, Construction

See This Resource Used In Schools…

Dean CE Primary School
Greenlands Community Primary School, Preston, Year 6.
Greenlands Community Primary School, Preston, Year 6.
Greenlands Community Primary School, Preston, Year 6.
Year 5, Cathedral Primary School, Bristol
Year 5, Cathedral Primary School, Bristol
Year 5, Cathedral Primary School, Bristol

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