Perseverance, Determination and Inventiveness: Building Nests

By Paula Briggs

Year 4 pupils from Comberton Village College and Cambourne Village College feeder schools met for a Gifted and Talented Sculpture Masterclass led by AccessArt at Bourn Primary Academy. The session centred around an exploration of the materials and construction methods we might use to build inventive, sculptural nests.

nests - 26

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Year 6, Sheffield High School
Year 6, Sheffield High School
Year 6, Sheffield High School
Year 6, Sheffield High School
Year 6, Sheffield High School
Year 6, Sheffield High School
Year 3 & 4, Malpas Alport Primary School
Year 3 & 4, Malpas Alport Primary School
Year 3 & 4, Malpas Alport Primary School
Emma Dodsworth, Ashmead Primary School, Lewisham
Emma Dodsworth, Ashmead Primary School, Lewisham
Emma Dodsworth, Ashmead Primary School, Lewisham
Emma Dodsworth, Ashmead Primary School, Lewisham
Emma Dodsworth, Ashmead Primary School, Lewisham

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Happy sketchbooking and have a wonderful summer!

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