Roots & Shoots: A Sculptural Challenge

By Paula Briggs

This sculptural challenge is suitable for ages 7 through to adults. Just as we use drawing exercises as warm-ups or icebreakers, we can also use making challenges such as this one to encourage learners to open their minds, build understanding, be inventive and practice dexterity skills.

Roots and Shoots challenges learners to take a “seed” or “source” and then build roots and shoots, up and out, using a variety of materials. The aim is to be playful; don’t have a preconceived outcome in mind, instead let the process of playing and exploring with the materials lead you to the end result.

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See This Resource Used In Schools…

Year 2, St Clare's Primary School, Coalville, Leicestershire
Year 2, St Clare's Primary School, Coalville, Leicestershire
Year 2, St Clare's Primary School, Coalville, Leicestershire
Year 2, St Clare's Primary School, Coalville, Leicestershire
Year 2, Whitchurch Primary
Year 2, Whitchurch Primary

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