Teenagers Experiment with Glow in the Dark Paint and Rice with Artist Melissa Pierce Murray

Workshop led by Melissa Pierce Murray (photographed by Sheila Ceccarelli)

Melissa - Glow in the dark - teenagers - SC


For this workshop,  I brought in UV reactive paint and markers, and surprised students by turning off the lights and shining a UV torch on the palates.


I explained to students how I worked last year alongside Aowen Jin for her show The Ritual, commissioned by Museums at Night for the Compton Verney Art Park and Gallery, to create a massive phosphorescent rice field installation, which visitors explored with UV torches.

Melissa - Glow in the dark - teenagers - SC

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AccessArt helps teachers at Belvue School to get ready for a Drawing Week

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Teachers Battle it Out in Conversation with Marks on Paper

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UK Charity AccessArt welcomes artists, educators, teachers and parents both in the UK and overseas.

We believe everyone has the right to be creative and by working together and sharing ideas we can enable everyone to reach their creative potential.

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Play and Placement: Teachers Explore Approaches to Drawing

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