Which Artists: Liz West

By Liz West

Liz West is an Internationally Acclaimed Visual Artist who uses light as a tool, controlling the amount, shape, form, size, colour, strength and quality to fill architectural or fabricated structures. Liz’s installations immerse the viewer in saturated environments and are known to stir up emotional responses in those who see it. In this post, Liz talks about her creative journey, inspirations for her installations and how her ideas materialise into reality. This post may be of interest to secondary school students keen to explore the potential of space and environment.

Liz West, Our Colour Reflection, 2016. Image Credit - Hannah Devereux

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

What We Like About This Resource….

“It’s really interesting to hear how the interest Liz has in the quality of light comes from a personal place and is something she has responded to since childhood. Seeing how her work has developed over the years is therefore a really positive re enforcement that individual creative journeys, where nurtured, are so central to a rich arts education. We also love hearing Liz is always on the ‘quest for knowledge’ – meaning she is open to her ideas constantly evolving and the process of gathering new information and inspiration never stops!” – Rachel, AccessArt

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