An Exploration of Pandora’s Box

By Rachel Thompson

In this post, AccessArt team member and Artist Rachel Thompson goes on a creative journey exploring the Ancient Greek Myth Pandora’s Box. The exploration involved reading and discussing the story, designing and creating a clay box inspired by Ancient Greek vases, distressing fabrics and seeing how they move to air rushing past and finally drawing imaginative creatures emerging from the box.

This extended project took place over 3 sessions of approximately 1 hour each, with time left in between for the clay box to dry. The project could be complimented by some drama or history based activities that further explore the text and its themes.

This first activity focussed on Pandora’s Box itself, and re creating one using air dry clay and paint, inspired by the colours and patterns seen in Ancient Greek Amphoras.

A replica Pandora's box made from clay

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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What We Like About This Resource….

“It’s great to see music being explored in this way, and combining it with making creates a really interesting immersive project. This activity would work well as part of an extended project looking at musical instruments around the world and some of the natural materials they are made from.” – Rachel, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource…

“We’re really grateful to Jake from Draw Brighton for sharing this activity which became so well received during lockdown 2020.

This is the perfect reminder that wherever we are in the digital or physical world, we have our eyes, hands and faces, and drawing provides a wonderful opportunity to come together in small groups to make sketches of each other. Use this activity as an ice breaker before a workshop, or as a transition activity between classes or events. Thank you Jake!” Paula, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource….

“It’s really interesting to see how Gabby works across the different disciplines of textiles and illustration in her work, and you can see how the principles of each are present in these beautifully made felt sets. We enjoyed learning how she went between planning and making – showing that the process of creating isn’t completely linear, and that the journey of idea creation can happen through sketching ideas, but also through making itself” – Andrea, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource…

“Rosie highlights the importance of embracing a wide variety of interests and ways of working into our wider creative practice, resulting in wonderfully rich and very personal explorations and outcomes.

There are so many clues in this resource for teachers. Look out for how Rosie slows down her whole process into a series of interconnected stages, which weave in and out of each other. These include time for research (collecting and observing), analysing and revisiting, drawing, making and finally documenting.” Paula, AccessArt

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Negative space by Tiny Inventions

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Sculptural Challenge No 1: Colourful Walls

A sculptural challenge encouraging the exploration of colour.

ages 9-11
ages 11-14

Artwork by Krijn de Koning

Questions for Children

How would it feel to be in the spaces Krijn creates?

How do you think he chooses the colour for each wall? How do you think the shape and size of the wall affects the colour too?

Find more of Krijn’s work here.

Sculptural Challenge! 

Use Krijn’s work as your inspiration, think about how you might make a series of colourful walls. You won’t be building a life-size sculptural installation (not today anyway!) but instead you can either make a model or create a piece of 2d artwork which shares your vision. Remember, because you are not creating the artwork then you can really be imaginative and dream!

Here are some clues, but you may have your own ideas too:

Use your sketchbook to “collect” colours that you like. Find them in magazines by cutting swatches out, find them by mixing paints, find them by mixing other materials. Record them, test them, label them, make notes (what colours did you mix?), name them (the names you give them might help you to describe the affect they have on you).

Next think about what the “walls” would be like. What shape? What size? Would they enclose? Would they have holes? Would there be a roof? How do they connect? How would the person get in to the space? How would you want the person to feel? Again, use your sketchbook to plot and plan. 

Think too about the location or context you would like your sculptural installation to be in. Would you like it to be in the Antarctic? The jungle? The high street? Again, use your sketchbook. 

Think about how you would apply your colours to the walls? Would each wall be one colour? Would you introduce pattern? Images? Again, use your sketchbook.

Finally, either make a model using card, paint, fabric etc to share your vision, or make a 2d artwork. 

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This is featured in the ‘Brave colour’ pathway

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See how Yinka Ilori transforms spaces with colour and pattern

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Explore installations and immersive spatial artworks that transform places

Sculptural Challenge No 2: Colour, Light and Form

A sculptural challenge to encourage the exploration of colour, light and form.

ages 9-11
ages 11-14

Questions for Children:

Can you imagine what it would be like to be in a room with the installations in the videos above? How would it make you feel? What do they remind you of?

How do you think the colour affects the mood?

Sculptural Challenge! 

Using the artwork in the videos above as your inspiration, think about how you might design a sculptural installation which involves light, form and colour. 

You won’t be building a life-size sculptural installation (not today anyway!) but instead you can either make a model or create a piece of 2d artwork which shares your vision. Remember, because you are not creating the artwork then you can really be imaginative and dream!

Here are some clues, but you may have your own ideas too:

Use your sketchbook to “collect” colours that you like. Find them in magazines by cutting swatches out, find them by mixing paints, find them by mixing other materials. Record them, test them, label them, make notes (what colours did you mix?), name them (the names you give them might help you to describe the affect they have on you).

Think about the kinds of forms (shapes) you would like the coloured light to fall on to. Would you like the coloured light to surround a person, or would you like the person to pass near the objects? How would the person enter the space? Would the space be very small or very large? How would you want the person to feel? Again, use your sketchbook to plot and plan. 

Think too about the space you would like the coloured light to be in. Would you like it to be a dark space so that the lights show up against the darkness, or would you prefer a light space, so that it feels floaty and ephemeral? 

Think about how you would apply your colours to the walls? Would each wall be one colour? Would you introduce pattern? Images? Again, use your sketchbook.

Finally, either make a model using card, paint, fabric etc to share your vision, or make a 2d artwork. If you make a small space, you might like to be inspired by the Mini Art World Resource and use coloured filters and torches to replicate the space. 

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A Progression Pathway in Clay Work

From Early Years

Woodland Exploration by Caroline Wendling & Deborah Wilenski

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Nest By Paula Briggs

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From Key Stage One

How to Clay Play

This resource, commissioned by Cambridge City Council, encourages being together through making and introduces the basics of working with Scolaquip air-hardening clay. This resource, commissioned by Cambridge City Council, encourages being together through making and introduces the basics of working with Scolaquip air-hardening clay.

Ofsted are Coming Tomorrow!

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Decorative Clay Coil Pots by Sharon Gale

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Making Plaster Reliefs By Paula Briggs

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Clay Art Medals by Sharon Gale

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Japan: Making Sushi – Recycled Style! By Jan Miller

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From Key Stage Two

Japan – Ceramics Inspire Painting and Painting Inspires Ceramics By Jan Miller

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Clay ‘Portrait’ Miniatures by Sharon Gale

Portrait miniatures are small painted images, usually of monarchs and very wealthy, important people. Dating back to the 1520s, these tiny portraiture paintings are like medals, but with realistic colour. This two stage clay and painting resource is very versatile because essentially the miniatures are blank canvasses. Portrait miniatures are small painted images, usually of monarchs and very wealthy, important people. Dating back to the 1520s, these tiny portraiture paintings are like medals, but with realistic colour. This two stage clay and painting resource is very versatile because essentially the miniatures are blank canvasses.

Clay Slab Work by Andy Cairns

This resource explores how to make an armature and use clay slab to build a form. Based upon the legend of “Black Shuck”, a ghostly dog that roams the coast searching for its drowned masters, this project engaged the children and resulted in charismatic sculptures, but you could equally transfer the activity to other themes. This resource explores how to make an armature and use clay slab to build a form. Based upon the legend of “Black Shuck”, a ghostly dog that roams the coast searching for its drowned masters, this project engaged the children and resulted in charismatic sculptures, but you could equally transfer the activity to other themes.

Fruit-Inspired Clay Tiles By Rachel Dormor

Ceramicist Rachel Dormor shares a workshop idea suitable for primary or secondary aged children. Working in clay, pupils take their inspiration from drawings of fruit to make decorative clay tiles. Ceramicist Rachel Dormor shares a workshop idea suitable for primary or secondary aged children. Working in clay, pupils take their inspiration from drawings of fruit to make decorative clay tiles.

Fruit Pinch Pot Project By Rachel Dormor

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From Key Stage Three and Beyond

Chimera Drawings into Beautiful Terracotta Tiles By Eleanor Somerset

Sgraffito, or ‘scratching’ is a technique which is an excellent way to reinforce mark making with all age groups.
Drawing into leather hard red clay tiles to create designs using mark-making can be even more effective when done through a white earthernware slip to reveal the red clay beneath. Sgraffito, or ‘scratching’ is a technique which is an excellent way to reinforce mark making with all age groups.
Drawing into leather hard red clay tiles to create designs using mark-making can be even more effective when done through a white earthernware slip to reveal the red clay beneath.

Exploring Materials: Clay and Water by Sheila Ceccarelli

Sheila asked teenagers at AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class when the last time was that they had played with clay? Sheila asked teenagers at AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class when the last time was that they had played with clay?

Arts and Minds: Manipulating Clay with Water by Sheila Ceccarelli

This post shows how to facilitate a sensory session exploring water and clay - by Sheila Ceccarelli (artist) and Yael Pilowsky Bankirer (Psychotherapist) for Arts and Minds. This post shows how to facilitate a sensory session exploring water and clay – by Sheila Ceccarelli (artist) and Yael Pilowsky Bankirer (Psychotherapist) for Arts and Minds.

Painted Clay by Melissa Pierce Murray

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Exploring Portraits with Eleanor Somerset

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Introducing Sgraffito using a Coloured Clay Slip on a Terracotta Tile By Eleanor Somerset

Further explore how to make beautiful sgraffito, or ‘scratched drawings’ with artist Eleanor Somerset. Further explore how to make beautiful sgraffito, or ‘scratched drawings’ with artist Eleanor Somerset.

From Bones and Body to Structure and Form By Melissa Pierce Murray

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Simple Clay Moulds by Melissa Pierce Murray

In this post, artist Melissa Pierce Murray, shows, step-by-step, how young teenagers explored plaster casting by making simple clay ‘waste moulds’ and then moved on to making simple ‘two piece moulds’. In this post, artist Melissa Pierce Murray, shows, step-by-step, how young teenagers explored plaster casting by making simple clay ‘waste moulds’ and then moved on to making simple ‘two piece moulds’.

Casting a Negative Space in Plaster with Sculptor Rachel Wooller

Resident artist at ArtWorks Studios, Cambridge, Rachel Wooller, introduces teenagers at AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class to the process of casting and creating negative shapes in plaster from clay positives. Resident artist at ArtWorks Studios, Cambridge, Rachel Wooller, introduces teenagers at AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class to the process of casting and creating negative shapes in plaster from clay positives.

Rowan: Clay Coiling Techniques to Make Penguins, Tweety Pie and a Dalek too! by Abi Moore and Sarah Nibbs

Abi, Sarah and students at Rowan Humberstone, show how they made clay birds using clay coiling techniques and with a plaster mould for the birds’ bases. Abi, Sarah and students at Rowan Humberstone, show how they made clay birds using clay coiling techniques and with a plaster mould for the birds’ bases.

Rowan: Making a Clay Bird from a Mould by Abi Moore and Sarah Nibbs

Abi and students from Rowan Humberstone, describe how they made clay birds from a plaster mould. Abi and students from Rowan Humberstone, describe how they made clay birds from a plaster mould.

Modelling The Head in Clay by Melissa Pierce Murray

Artist Melissa Pierce Murray led a series of workshops for AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class in which the teenagers modelled a head in clay. There are five resources in this series, beginning with constructing an armature and making preparatory drawings, then studying the bone structure of the skull before moving on to features. The final post in this series looks at ways to increase the techniques and approaches used in drawing. Artist Melissa Pierce Murray led a series of workshops for AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class in which the teenagers modelled a head in clay. There are five resources in this series, beginning with constructing an armature and making preparatory drawings, then studying the bone structure of the skull before moving on to features. The final post in this series looks at ways to increase the techniques and approaches used in drawing.

Design Lab: Phoebe Cummings at the V&A

Students, from the DesignLab at the V&A, London, worked with artist Phoebe Cummings over a three month period to create a site-specific, group piece, from unfired clay which was inspired by the historical 2D designs found on 19th century British tableware in the collection. Students, from the DesignLab at the V&A, London, worked with artist Phoebe Cummings over a three month period to create a site-specific, group piece, from unfired clay which was inspired by the historical 2D designs found on 19th century British tableware in the collection.

Foreshortened Sketches

Flying Minpin Birds

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Nine Mile Ride Primary School in Finchampstead in collaboration with South Hill Park Arts Centre
Nine Mile Ride Primary School in Finchampstead in collaboration with South Hill Park Arts Centre
Nine Mile Ride Primary School in Finchampstead in collaboration with South Hill Park Arts Centre
Nine Mile Ride Primary School in Finchampstead in collaboration with South Hill Park Arts Centre

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