Responding to Place by Claire Louise Mather

Claire Louise Mather

Collaged landmarks of Oldham ready for display at St Thomas C of England Primary School, Oldham
Collaged landmarks of Oldham ready for display at St Thomas C of England Primary School, Oldham


Artist Claire Louise Mather works with primary children to create an artistic response to the place in which they live, using drawing, collage and stitch.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Responding to Place by Claire Louise Mather

Activity Overview

My aim for the project was to help pupils at St Thomas C of E Primary School, Oldham in Lancashire to create a visual interpretation of their town and its buildings, some of which pupils were familiar with but as was often the case, that they didn’t know the names or any history about.

This project was aimed at encouraging children to work collaboratively with other age groups through a series of workshops. Using individual, paired and small groups, pupils produced a variety of artwork of a mixed media based nature, inspired by their surrounding area and local heritage.

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