Still and Dynamic Drawing: Making Magic Spells!

By Paula Briggs

At the moment in our house we are in the middle of a Harry Potter/Worst Witch phase, so when I was thinking about subject matter for a dynamic drawing session in the Drawing Workshop for ages 6 to 10, I decided upon making spells!

The workshop was split over two, 1-hour long sessions. In session 1 we concentrated on making still drawings, and then in session 2 we turned our still drawings into a turbulent, dynamic, shared magic spell pot! The children loved it…

Magic spells: Still and dynamic drawing
Still and dynamic drawing


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Ruth, Year 1 at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Ruth, Year 1 at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Ruth, Year 1 at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Ruth, Year 1 at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Ruth, Year 1 at Carden Primary School, Brighton

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