Simple Perspective Art Lesson for Young Children

By Paula Briggs.

I wanted to introduce children (aged 6 to 10) to the basics of perspective in relation to drawing architecture and so devised this simple perspective art lesson. I wanted to balance the technical aspect (which can be tricky at this age) with some time spent in making sure the children felt like they owned their drawings (which in this case meant adding lots of detail and often the beginning of a narrative).

Their sense of place in these drawings was very strong, not just in their attempt to portray buildings which looked like they might exist in the real, object based world, but also in terms of how the buildings related to their own passions (be it Doctor Who, princesses, castles or sweet factories).

Learning to Draw Perspective

The method below was used to introduce the children to some simple rules of perspective drawing, before they were given plenty of opportunity to develop their drawings as their own.

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