Paint, Colour and Autobiographical Imagery

By Paula Briggs

This week in the artclub for ages 8,9 and 10 we carried on our theme of creating autobiographical work, this time exploring drawing and painting.

The artwork we created was to be used in our autobiographical suitcases/pop up gallery session later in the term. In this session, which was actually spread over two x one hour sessions, I wanted to give the children the opportunity to create work using their intuition and instinct – work which is created through a series of stages without too much blood, sweat and tears!

Using colour and form instinctively
Using colour and form instinctively

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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Many thanks for teenagers at AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class and their parents as well as teachers from Garden Fields JMI School, St Albans for inspiring this post.

Happy sketchbooking and have a wonderful summer!

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