Working in a Studio

By Joe Gamble

In this third of 3 posts, landscape artist Joe Gamble describes how his artist studio helps him resolve and refine his work. Beginning with working quickly in a sketchbook, Joe describes how these initial observations made outside transfer to the studio setting, where they are developed into larger, more abstract landscape paintings.

A photograph of an artist's studio.

I try not to consider working in the studio as an end point, rather a small part in a larger process. Everything belongs to a wider practise, with each piece leading into and influencing the next. The studio can be a funny place, so much of my work lends itself to working in the landscape. Taking myself into the studio takes me away from the environment and into place whereby my only reference points for a certain place are the drawings from when I was physically there. Yet as I begin to rely on other aids, it is through this restriction that exciting things happen.

Abstract landscape painting in oil pastels.

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