Wax Resist Autumn Leaves by Rosie James

By Rosie James

Led by artist educator, Rosie James, pupils from Dent C of E Primary School, in the Yorkshire Dales, explored observational drawing techniques followed by an immersive exploration of colour and scale using wax crayons and Brusho Crystal Colours.

In this resource, Rosie demonstrates how, in a one and a half hour session, 7-11 year old children achieved beautiful results with Wax Resist techniques, inspired by the rich colours and shapes of autumn leaves.

Wax resist leaves by pupils at Dent School, facilitated by Rosie James
Wax resist leaves by pupils at Dent School, facilitated by Rosie James

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Penny Kemp, Teacher of Lower School of Inskip St Peters C of E Primary School, Lancashire
Emma Seaman @mysliceofschoollife and New Silkworth Academy
Emma Seaman @mysliceofschoollife and New Silkworth Academy
Emma Seaman @mysliceofschoollife and New Silkworth Academy
Emma Seaman @mysliceofschoollife and New Silkworth Academy

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