Collaborative Design: Making Dungarees!

By Paula Briggs

In this session as part of the How To Be A Creative Producer Project, teenagers worked to design, sew and later paint a pair of dungarees. In addition to learning new skills, and designing through making, teenagers explored mark making in response to marks made by others, as the dungarees were transformed from a plain canvas to a finished project.

The teenagers wore the t-shirts we had screen printed earlier.

Painted dungarees

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Screen Printing T Shirts for the How To Be A Creative Producer Project

Modelling the Head in Clay Part 4 – Features

Modelling the Head in Clay Part 3 – Skull

Modelling the Head in Clay Part 2 – Preparations

Modelling the Head in Clay Part 1 – Armature

Drama Exercises Explore Teamwork, Cooperation, Movement & Narrative

Animating with a Green Screen

Pimp That Snack! Large Scale Food Sculptures

Project 13

Basic Concepts in Drawing & Painting by Hester Berry


White paint on black paper
ages 4-11

Resources created by painter Hester Berry, which aim to introduce some basic drawing and painting concepts to primary-aged children and their teachers.

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Hester explains how seeing shapes objectively can help our drawing skills.

Hester explains how seeing shapes objectively can help our drawing skills.


Simple, progressive exercises to explore colour mixing in a dynamic way.

Simple, progressive exercises to explore colour mixing in a dynamic way.


Hester explains how we can use tone in drawing and painting to help describe form, atmosphere, and context.

Hester explains how we can use tone in drawing and painting to help describe form, atmosphere, and context.


Hester shares simple exercises to kick start drawing portraits.

Hester shares simple exercises to kick start drawing portraits.


Exploring Colour with Hester Berry

Teaching Children to See Shapes Objectively by Hester Berry

Introduction to Portraits by Hester Berry

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