Escaping Wars and Waves – Encounters with Syrian Refugees

By Olivier Kugler

In this post, reportage illustrator Olivier Kugler recalls a project in which he was invited to document the circumstances of Syrian refugees who he met in a refugee camp in Iraqi Kurdistan and other locations all over Europe. His book ‘Escaping Wars and Waves – Encounters with Syrian Refugees‘ is a record of conversations and stories of Syrian refugees. Kugler tells us about his process from interviews to final illustrations. Read on to find out more about ‘Escaping Wars and Waves’.

Escaping Wars and Waves Front Cover by Olivier Kugler

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This resource really demonstrates how art can successfully bring awareness to important humanitarian issues, promote inclusivity and can give a platform to those who otherwise wouldn’t be heard. The links between text, photos and drawings are really strong and demonstrate the creative process used by Olivier from start to finish. I really like the inclusion of suggestions for students within the post, which encourage students to learn more about their community and to understand the experience of being displaced. This is turn will hopefully inspire the next generation to be part of an inclusive and empathetic society.‘ – Tobi, AccessArt

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