Bad Cat: Inspiration for Art Week

Tracy McGuinness-Kelly describes how she inspired and enabled children to respond creatively to her own writing and illustration work, through the Bad Cat art week project.

Inspiration for Art Week Bad Cat by Tracy Kelly McGuinness
Inspiration for Art Week Bad Cat by Tracy Kelly McGuinness


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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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Notes for Teachers

Find out more about the Tool Box project and how it might work in your classroom

Project Introduction, Intention and Outcome

Find out more about the Tool Box project and how it might work in your classroom

Tools & Materials List

What do you need to do to prepare for the project?

Project Preparation

What do you need to do to prepare for the project?

The ABC of Tools

Familiarise pupils with simple tools and how to use them

Download a Visual PDF which you can display in your classroom

Familiarise pupils with simple tools and how to use them

Tool Tips!

How to use pliers, cut wood, sand wood, use a hammer!

Quick videos which describe how to use simple tools!

How to use pliers, cut wood, sand wood, use a hammer!

Tool Box: Resources for Pupils to use in the Classroom

1. Welcome to Tool Box

Find out what the Tool Box Project is all about by watching two videos, including one about “design through making”

2. Collecting Materials

You can use a wide range of materials to make your games! Watch the video and think about which materials you would like to use

3. Gathering Tools

What kind of tools might you use in the project? Watch the video to find out

4. Getting Started

How will you actually get started to design and make your game? Watch the video here to find out…

5. Find YOUR materials!

Gather your materials and start building! Watch the video here and get going!

6. Testing Testing Testing

Testing is not something that comes at the end! Watch this video and find out how and why to test as you go along…

7. Miss, I’ve Finished!

When you think you have finished, it’s time to ask others what they think! Watch the video here to find out why

8. Sell, Sell, Sell

You’ve finished the game! Watch the video here and then you can make posters and tickets and get others to play your game!

2. Materials for Design and Technology.

3. Gathering Tools and Equipment for Design and Technology.

4. Getting Started – Thinking of Ideas for your Game

5. Find your Materials for Design and Technology Project

6. Testing, Testing, Testing your Game

8. Sell, Sell, Sell – Promote your Game!

7. Miss, I’ve Finished – Reflecting on your project.

1. Welcome to Tool Box Design and Technology Project: Introduction for Pupils

Tool Box – Notes for Teachers