Which Artists: 2B or Not 2B

By Sarah and Elsa Hingley

2B Or Not 2B are a creative sister duo who work together to create a range of illustrated goodies from zines to enamel pins, to scarves. In this post Sarah and Elsa talk about the power of collaboration and the development of their funny characters and storylines. This post would be great for anyone looking to explore their silliness through creativity.

2B Or Not 2B Studio Picture by Sarah and Elsa Hingley

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

Creativity Medals

See the Resource Used in Schools…

Year 1, Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Year 1, Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Year 1, Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton
Year 1, Ruth at Carden Primary School, Brighton

What We Like About This Resource….

“The sentiment behind this resource idea is lovely and it provides an opportunity to really develop some fine motor skills as well as independence of approach. Taking ownership of the medal design means the sense of achievement is heightened beyond the children just being given one. You can really imagine the positive energy that would surround this activity within a classroom, with each child working on a shared project but embarking on their own creative journey.”  – Rachel, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource….

“You can get a real sense of the environment in this post and how this could provide so much inspiration for creative projects. We are aware there the challenges to exploring the outdoors when many schools are in towns and cities. A way around this could be to have a regular collection of natural objects within the classroom and using them as a stimulus to respond creatively in sketchbooks or in extended projects” – Andrea, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource

“It’s really interesting to see the combination of hand and digital work in Rachel’s work, and particularly how her hand stitched embroidery is scanned before being used to create patterned products. We love that lots of Rachel’s work begins in sketchbooks and how this really underpins her creative process. For children in school, learning to utilise a sketchbook and discover their potential though drawing and mapping ideas is invaluable. We have a whole Sketchbook Journey section on the AccessArt website (linked below) which explores this in more detail”. – Rachel, AccessArt.

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What We Like About This Resource….

“It’s a really positive thing for an artist to share the concept of the creative journey. At AccessArt we believe journeys are pretty important and we are pleased to show this in action through Toby Pritchard’s post. We particularly like the anthropomorphic element, and how this really brings life to Toby’s work.” – Rachel, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource….

“There’s a really fun element to this activity which is you can imagine all children really enjoying! The idea of food on large scale is a great starter for a sculpture project and an early exploration of working in 3D. What’s really positive to see in this project is how the children used their sketchbooks to design their ice creams prior to working in 3D. They then had the opportunity to re visit and refine their ideas as they worked. This provides a sold foundation for the concept of design development and design through making- both of which underpin any visual arts or design project or profession. For more support on how to develop sketchbook practice in your setting please see our Sketchbook Journey” – Rachel, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource….

“It’s really interesting to see how Gabby works across the different disciplines of textiles and illustration in her work, and you can see how the principles of each are present in these beautifully made felt sets. We enjoyed learning how she went between planning and making – showing that the process of creating isn’t completely linear, and that the journey of idea creation can happen through sketching ideas, but also through making itself” – Andrea, AccessArt

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What We Like About This Resource…

“This resource shows pupils how the experience, background and passions of an illustrator all feed into his or her work.

We like the way Natsko shares how her experience over time informs her work. For example, her background as a “visitor” or person living in cultures which she isn’t initially familiar with, enable her to see that culture through fresh eyes. She takes these observations in through her sketchbooks, and then these inform her work at various points going forward. This is an important concept when facilitating art and developing pupils’ own creativity – and sketchbooks provide the perfect tool for building this experience.” Paula, AccessArt

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