Giant Jewellery: Multimedia Response to Yayoi Kusama 

By Clare Boreham Kerr

In this resource, specialist art teacher Clare Boreham Kerr shares a project inspired by the colours and patterns used by the artist Yayoi Kusama. This multimedia activity uses a range of materials, including sketchbooks, to make colourful giant jewellery. Clare works in special educational needs education, but this project could be translated across a variety of settings.

This three-part project can be split across three or four sessions. Beginning with sketchbooks and drawing, pupils will move onto collage and 3D work, finishing off with a session dedicated to construction and reflection.

A constructed necklace made with wire and paper

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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What We Love About This Resource…

So often, we hear talk of the distinction between science and art, and no more so when teenagers proceed through their education and they are encouraged to choose one route or another. In reality, creative thinking helps scientific understanding and a scientific approach can inform and inspire art.

It’s so refreshing to read and see Merlin’s experience and understand how she works between these two areas – in her words “mixing subjects, and seeing how they work and intersect is where inventions take place!

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