Introducing Set Designing – Exercises to Respond to Text – Model Making

By Artist and Designer Rachel Thompson

This workshop is an extension of Responding to Text – Experimental Drawing, but this time uses text extracts as a starting point to make ‘scratch models’ or initial three dimensional model sketches for set designs.

Introduction to Set Design
Eloise’s ‘scratch model’


The idea is to introduce participants to the basic principles of set design and the processes involved in creating a visual ‘world’ on stage. Of course, the activity doesn’t necessarily have to run in conjunction with a set design project and can stand alone as a good exercise in using imagination and expression through making.

We began the session by discussing the design process from creating mood drawings to a scratch model and the final stages designing a detailed, to scale model.

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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“Rachel has contributed some great resources to AccessArt and we really like how this idea captures the concept of ‘returning’ – something that school children will have processed over the past year. We love how this activity encourages hands to feel and move paint about freely – to experience its qualities and tactile nature. You could try this in your setting using different migratory birds such as Ospreys or Swifts as inspiration, with the children looking at images of these birds before trying some observational drawing.” – Rachel, AccessArt.

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