Lights | Camera | Action | we all love glow-in-the-dark tape! By Sara Dudman

By Sara Dudman

Turning off the lights is a great way to entice reluctant drawers to take the plunge! It can also provide a useful warm-up for further drawing activities and help develop awareness of muscle-memory as a tool for drawing.

This post describes some ideas based on drawing in the dark, during workshops at the Thelma Hulbert Gallery in Devon. Artists worked alongside various groups ranging from a pupil referral unit to mainstream 6th form art students and a family drop-in day. The workshops explored and developed a multitude of practical approaches to responding to Flock Together, an exhibition of 2D paintings, drawings and video by Sara Dudman and Debbie Locke.

Drawing with LED pens using muscle memory to recreate shapes

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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