Drawing Large

Following on from the last exercise when we explored “drawing small“, this exercise gives you the chance to make much freer, larger drawings.

It’s up to you what “large” means to you. It will depend on the space and materials you have, and might just be 4 pieces of A4 stuck together, or you may have some old wall paper that you can draw on the back of, or even an old white board you could use. The important thing is that instead of feeling like you are making tight, small drawings, you feel like you are able to make drawings which are looser, and, most importantly, that when you draw you can feel yourself using your whole arm is moving at the shoulder and the elbow, as well as the wrist.

Let’s get started…

large drawings

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Trinity & St Michael’s CE, Croston, Year 3, teacher Mrs Tracey Drury
Year 3 of Cuddington Primary School, Northwich, Cheshire
Year 3 of Cuddington Primary School, Northwich, Cheshire
Year 3 of Cuddington Primary School, Northwich, Cheshire

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