Composite Still Life Studies in Candlelight

By Sheila Ceccarelli

With its dark and long nights, the winter is the perfect time of year to explore light and dark in drawing.

Candlelit Still Life

On a dark Tuesday evening, I set up several, small clusters of random, but hand-sized objects, (placed on black paper), ready for a session with teenagers at AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class. Objects included: string, bulldog clips, exotic painted birds, pomegranates and apples, masking tape, pebbles.

I lit tea-lights and placed them next to the groups of objects, to create a subtle, flickering, one directional lighting effect.

Photos were taken in the near dark, so I hope that their ‘atmospheric’ quality, gives a useful enough idea of the session and its outcomes.

Still life elements in candle light: string- Exp teenagers - SC
Still life elements in candle light: string


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