Learning from Permaculture Design Principles

By Mostyn de Beer

Mostyn de Beer is an experienced artist educator based in Sweden. Mostyn is especially interested in environmental art; his practice investigates links between creating art and environmental education. Mostyn reflects on ways of using materials in an environmentally friendly way during art lessons, inspired by principles of permaculture design.

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

To The Thames Barrier And Beyond

Workshop Season in Review

Green Thumbs

Outdoor Art In Urban Gardens

Touch Wood

What We Like About This Resource….

“You can get a real sense of the environment in this post and how this could provide so much inspiration for creative projects. We are aware there the challenges to exploring the outdoors when many schools are in towns and cities. A way around this could be to have a regular collection of natural objects within the classroom and using them as a stimulus to respond creatively in sketchbooks or in extended projects” – Andrea, AccessArt

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