Roseate Spoonbill Mixed Media Project

By Kathryn Sjogren

This resource shares a project run by Kathryn Sjogren in her time as teaching artist at the Peace River Wildlife Center in Punta Gorda, Florida, USA. The original workshops were part of a residency implemented by Kathyrn for VSA Florida, the State Organisation on Arts and Disability.

The sessions described below would be perfect with SEND audiences of many ages and abilities, as well as with primary-aged children. As Kathryn writes: “After meeting with the ESE (Exceptional Teacher Education) teachers, it was clear that their hope was to have their students exposed to a variety of art materials and finished artwork to exhibit at the end of the residency. ESE students are often a bit isolated from the rest of the school community. My hope was to instill a “sense of community” in the students within their school as well as the community at large.  The final outcome goal was that the students would become “ambassadors” for the protection of the Roseate Spoonbill by using their “words” and paintings to educate others.

Finished Roseate Spoonbill
Finished Roseate Spoonbill


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