Constructed Space by Anne Harild

40 artist title Anne Harild

Constructed Space by Anne Harild
Constructed Space by Anne Harild


In this stunning post Anne Harild shows how she integrates sculptural construction, time, photography and animation in a one day workshop for the Frieze Art Fair.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Constructed Space by Anne Harild

Constructed Space was a one day workshop at The Frieze Art Fair in 2008 organised by ReachOutRCA. The session was aimed at 5-12 year olds. During the course of a day we created a large-scale site-specific structure that we documented through stop-frame animation. The work evolved over time as we continued to build on to the structure and regularly took pictures from a fixed position in order to create an animation.

The workshop process is inspired by the idea of temporary and site-specific structures and an aim to create a document or record of the making process. It also aims to explore what kind of spaces certain materials create and to give the participants an opportunity to respond to these ideas in a hands-on way.

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Anne Harild at Chesterton Community College, Cambridge