Layers in the Landscape by Emma Davies

emma davies

Be Inspired by Emma Davies. Image by Emma of 'Site Responsive Installation,' created at the Wild Networking Event, run by Fermynwoods Contemporary Art at the cottages in Fermyn Woods; work is in progress. Recycled materials, paint, pencil and pastel. 2013
Be Inspired by Emma Davies. Image by Emma of ‘Site Responsive Installation,’ created at the Wild Networking Event, run by Fermynwoods Contemporary Art at the cottages in Fermyn Woods; work is in progress. Recycled materials, paint, pencil and pastel. 2013


Artist Educator Emma Davies shares an inspirational resource, to enable students to interpret the landscape through the construction of colourful, shallow relief, cardboard sculptures.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Layers in the Landscape by Emma Davies

This workshop was one of a series over the course of the year in which we were investigating the theme of Layers – physical and metaphysical as a means of exploring landscape, imagination and materials.

When working with the young people on the project, it is important to have clear goals and for me high targets, but with the open mindedness to understand that the young people will follow their own path and that it is important to facilitate this.

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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Many thanks to students of AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class for sharing their process and finished results with AccessArt.

Many thanks to Pisces for generously supplying pastels, pens, charcoal and scissors used in this session to AccessArt.

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