Experimental Mark Making Tools

By Andrea Butler

Inventing your own mark making tools is a great way to bring together making and drawing.

You can experiment with lots of different objects and materials to make drawing tools. It’s a creative challenge to attach the object or material to the handle and the marks you make will be influenced by how much ink your tool will hold – fabric will absorb a lot more ink than say, a piece of dried seaweed. Each tool will have its own character and unique set of marks and of course, you can make your tools as decorative as you like, painting the handles or binding them with tape, fabric or thread to personalise them even further.

Home Made Tools and Ink by Andrea Butler

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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“The research phase of a creative project can be presented in many different ways, and can even be an art form in itself. Here, Tatyana demonstrates how her sketchbooks became a medium through which she expressed her thoughts, refined her ideas and explored materials. We believe sketchbooks to be a powerful tool for children to take ownership of their ideas and travel on their own creative journey, without necessarily knowing the destination. Take a look at our sketchbook journey for more sketchbook inspiration” – Rachel, AccessArt.

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So often, we hear talk of the distinction between science and art, and no more so when teenagers proceed through their education and they are encouraged to choose one route or another. In reality, creative thinking helps scientific understanding and a scientific approach can inform and inspire art.

It’s so refreshing to read and see Merlin’s experience and understand how she works between these two areas – in her words “mixing subjects, and seeing how they work and intersect is where inventions take place!

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