Minimalising: Using Simple Line Drawings to Explore Sculptural Form

By Sheila Ceccarelli

Exploring form using a reductive or minimalising approach to drawing as a tool to study form. Using simple line drawing to explore sculptural form, students drew constructed sculptures of animal skulls that they’d created the week before Constructing Sculptural Skulls in Heavy Paper and Tape.

Tilly examining her sculpture of a Turtle Skull - using simple line drawing to explore sculptural form
Tilly examining her sculpture of a Turtle Skull – using simple line drawing to explore sculptural form

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

Winter Still Life


Many thanks to students of AccessArt’s Experimental Drawing Class for sharing their process and finished results with AccessArt.

Many thanks to Pisces for generously supplying pastels, pens, charcoal and scissors used in this session to AccessArt.

Pisces - the Art Specialist

Skull Sculptures: using Paper and Tape to Interpret Form

Which Artists: Faith Bebbington

What We Like About This Resource….

“Faith’s work creating sculptures using recycled or discarded plastic is really beautiful, and exceeds expectation of what we might consider scrap plastic being able to do. The processes she uses, particularly with the dancing figures, are all easily accessible to a school setting, with tape, card, wire being relatively inexpensive and simple to use. Delivering an Art project using waste plastic has cross curricular links with other subject areas, particularly PSHE and Geography where children may be learning about the environment and how to protect it” – Tobi, AccessArt.

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