Is choice at the heart of art? By Joanna Grace

Joanna Grace, founder of The Sensory Project discusses the exceptional talents of artists with PMLD (profound and multiple learning disabilities).

Colour Wave - Joanna Grace
Colour Wave – Joanna Grace


Individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities have exceptional talents as artists, they have a capability for uninhibited self expression that many an artist would envy.

They are also brilliant at living in the moment and practicing art in a mindful way, something we could all learn from.

Individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) tend to have multiple physical, cognitive and sensory impairments and are likely to experience epileptic seizures and need a high level of care making some people forget to recognise them as the artists they have the potential to be.

Joanna Grace Art and PMLD

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Kaz Trinder

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