Woodland Exploration by Caroline Wendling & Deborah Wilenski

Caroline Wendling & Deborah Wilenski

Wild Imagination by Caroline Wendling and Deborah Wilenski
Wild Imagination by Caroline Wendling and Deborah Wilenski


Artists Caroline Wendling and Deborah Wilenski encourage young children in a woodland exploration using art and imagination as their discovery tools.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Wild Imagination by Caroline Wendling and Deb Wilenski

Wild Imagination presents material from the first session of a collaborative project in which two artists from Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination (CCI) worked with Ruby Class (Reception) from Cromwell Park Primary School, Huntingdon. Each Monday, for ten weeks, Deb Wilenski (CCI) and Caroline Wendling (CCI) met with thirty children aged four and five, their teacher Ben Wilson, and assistants Karen Lewin and Kelly Smith. They walked to local woods in Hinchingbrooke Country Park, and spent the whole morning there, returning to school in the afternoon to continue their explorations.

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