The Cardboard Project by Andee Collard


Andee Collard

cardboard project - Andee Collard's brief: 'Make a cardboard structure to hold at least a 1KG weight'
Andee Collard’s brief: ‘Make a cardboard structure to hold at least a 1KG weight’


Artist and teacher Andee Collard sets a challenge to his D&T students, at Welling School, to make a cardboard structure to hold a 1KG weight.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

The Cardboard Project

I have alway’s been up for a challenge, but when I saw DT on my timetable this year I was concerned that I’d end up with a class working from the same eons old bird feeder design. Lucky I was given permission to do a project of my own devising. I wanted to do something that required minimal resources but had hooks into some of the key tenets of design.

At my school various projects have taken place over the years that wouldn’t have been possible without cardboard. Cardboard is an incredible material and I regularly have to stop myself from eulogising how wonderful it is. Projects that we have completed in cardboard range from tiny maquettes to installations to a life sized elephant. Cardboard is free (if you raid the canteen bins) ubiquitous and very malleable. It’s become a cliche to state that a child’s best toy is a cardboard box, but I think it genuinely does present opportunities to be inventive.

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