Here you will find all recordings available for purchase.
These recordings are aimed at Art Leads looking to introduce staff to different creative disciplines.
Please note: The purchase price enables you to stream (not download) the recording 5 times. If you would like to watch the recording more than 5 times, you can press a reset button to access more views.
Explore all future events here. We also have free to access recordings of past CPD sessions for members.

Exploring Drawing for Primary Schools
This session introduces Drawing to Primary School teachers. Aims & Objectives:
Enable you to feel more informed about what “drawing” is, and how you can enable ALL pupils to feel a sense of achievement & progression from years 1 to 6.
Open minds as to what “Drawing” is, and its purpose.
Exploring Making for Primary Schools
This session introduces Sculpture to primary school teachers. The session covers:
An introduction to the different types of Sculpture.
An introduction to the “Design Through Making” approach.

Exploring Painting for Primary Schools
This session introduces Painting to Primary School teachers.
Aims & Objectives:
Enable you to feel more informed about the different types of paint ( specific mention of water colour and acrylic) and how they can be combined and layered.
Open minds to the value of exploratory painting and discovery of different surfaces.

Highlight the different ways in which we can paint, from technical painting through to painting to express emotion.
Share our Pedagogy and how it can be applied in your school.
Share some examples & resources.
Give you the opportunity to try a few painting exercises.
Provide you with starting points so that you can try out ideas with your class/teachers.