Brushes, Rollers and Dabbers – Year 4 Pupils Use Mixed Media to Make Mark Making Tools
Following on from an InSET session that I ran for teachers at Ridgefield Primary School, Cambridge, I was invited by the lovely class teacher Mrs. Hamilton to run a making session for her year four class.
We had an hour and a half to explore constructing in mixed media and using inventiveness and innovation to create painting tools, which would later be used to paint a Communal Drawing of the River.
Pupils chose from an assortment of materials from feathers, old cables, lace, foam, sticks, fruit sack, packaging, bubble-warp, and more. Children were briefly shown how to combine materials twisting wire or binding with coloured and electrical tape.
This was a manic but exciting session – pupils were totally engaged, completely inventive and initiated their own creative approaches.
Well done Year Four Ridgefield!

Many thanks to Mrs. Hamilton for inviting me into her classroom and a huge thank you to year four pupils for allowing to take photos of your marvelous work! I eagerly await photos from your painting session!