Brushes, Rollers and Dabbers – Year 4 Pupils Use Mixed Media to Make Mark Making Tools


By Sheila Ceccarelli

Following on from an InSET session that I ran for teachers at Ridgefield Primary School, Cambridge, I was invited by the lovely class teacher Mrs. Hamilton to run a making session for her year four class.

Making tools - Ridgefield


We had an hour and a half to explore constructing in mixed media and using inventiveness and innovation to create painting tools, which would later be used to paint a Communal Drawing of the River.

Pupils chose from an assortment of materials from feathers, old cables, lace, foam, sticks, fruit sack, packaging, bubble-warp, and more. Children were briefly shown how to combine materials twisting wire or binding with coloured and electrical tape.

This was a manic but exciting session – pupils were totally engaged, completely inventive and initiated their own creative approaches.

Well done Year Four Ridgefield!

Binding with coloured tape
Binding with coloured tape


Combining materials
Combining materials


And experimenting with contrasting function And experimenting with contrasting function
And experimenting with contrasting function


And allowing for real invention
And allowing for real invention


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Making tools - Ridgefield


Many thanks to Mrs. Hamilton for inviting me into her classroom and a huge thank you to year four pupils for allowing to take photos of your marvelous work! I eagerly await photos from your painting session!

Creative Potential