Brave Young Makers: Year Three Pupils at Ridgefield Primary Transform Materials into Birds and Insects

By Sheila Ceccarelli

This workshop presented year three pupils at Ridgefield Primary School with real design and making challenges as they worked to a brief to ‘create birds and insects for their school tree’.

Pupils at Ridgefield Primary School with their finished sculptural birds
Pupils at Ridgefield Primary School with their finished sculptural birds


The tree was a naked steel structure, badly in need of adorning and standing in the school’s ‘nature garden’ next to a pond, nest boxes and meadow flowers all beautifully maintained by the pupils under the stewardship of  Mr. Pillin, the school’s site manager.

Bird made by staff and pupils at Ridgefield Primary School
Bird suspended onto the school ‘tree’ made by staff and pupils at Ridgefield Primary School


Finished bird by a pupil, suspended on the school tree
Finished bird by a pupil, suspended on the school tree


The challenge for the year three pupils was to produce finished sculptural pieces, which would be strong enough to withstand wind and rain, in a day. Sculptures would be made by transforming materials from a near by Bits and Bobs scrap store.

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