Book Art


Welcome to AccessArt: Book Art

Finished book art

Book art is an umbrella term for any art or craft that involves creating or working with books. This could include bookbinding, origami, and papermaking, among other techniques.

It provides an exciting opportunity to explore transformation, with paper being a great material for exploring form. Visual artists have been inspired by manipulating the book format for many decades.

Explore these inspirational activities that connect form, literature and the creation and use of the imagination.

Dip Your Toes Into Book Art!

Explore these focused collections of resources to help introduce book art to your learners. All these resources can be adapted to all settings and all ages

Book Art with primary children


Turkish Map FOld

Explore Book Artists

Explore these book artists who are making exciting and original art work using books or bookbinding skills

Julie Chen

theresa easton

su blackwell

make your own books...

There are many different ways of creating artists books. Start with the basics and create some simple books!

Watch these videos to discover a range of methods appropriate for all audiences.

Explore Book Art Materials

Paper and Cardboard are both great materials to facilitate an exploratory approach to book art

Explore Paper

Explore cardboard

See All AccessArt Book Art Resources

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