#BeACreativeProducer Workshop with Primary-Aged Children


By Paula Briggs

As part of the launch of the #BeACreativeProducer Project at Cambridge Junction, the teenage team led a workshop with Yr 6 pupils from Morley Memorial School, Cambridge. The aim of the workshop was to encourage children to think about how they consume digital media, and how they can use digital media as a creative tool. 

The workshop began with a screening of selected films & animations from the #BeACreativeProducer project. So that other schools can see how they might use the films in their schools, we share the order of play and activities below. Please get in touch if you would like to tell us how you used the #BeACreativeProducer project in your school.

To Begin

#BeACreativeProducer team present their films & animations

Introducing the #BeACreativeProducer Project

The Yr 6 children watched the short film below to introduce them to the #BeACreativeProducer project. 

The teenagers then talked to the children about creativity. They asked the children what kinds of things they did that were creative, both in and out of school. 

#BeACreativeProducer team present their films & animations

Why Is Being Creative Important?

The teenagers then showed the children a second film/animation which introduces some of the reasons why they felt being creative was important:

#BeACreativeProducer team present their films & animations

The teenagers then helped the Yr 6 children think why they felt creativity was important. How did it feel when you were being creative?

What Kinds of Things Can Hold us Back?

The last video that the teenagers showed during this section of the workshop, was a short film / animation exploring the kinds of thoughts which can hold us back from being creative: those negative thoughts we all sometimes have. The teenagers call these the “Ogres” and this film thinks about how we can re-frame our ogres to help us keep moving forward. 

After the film we teenagers invited the children to share their own “ogres” and how they might navigate them.

Practical Activities

We then moved on to the practical part of the workshop. The teenagers had organised 4 activities:

  • Drama workshop
  • Green Screen workshop
  • Flick Book Workshop
  • Demo Making Working

The Yr 6 group was split into 4 groups and then the children rotated in each activity.

Drama Workshop

#BeACreativeProducer Drama Workshop

Amelia and Rowan led drama workshops in which the children were invited to choose one of the ogres they had seen in the film, and act out a scenario in which the ogre might appear. Children created narratives around the subject and thought about how they could get round the negative ogre thought processes. 

#BeACreativeProducer Drama Workshop

#BeACreativeProducer Drama Workshop

Green Screen Workshop

#BeACreativeProducer Green screen Animation Workshop

Alex led a green screen workshop using an iPad and a selection of small toys. See how to animate using a green screen here.

#BeACreativeProducer Green Screen Animation Workshop

#BeACreativeProducer Green screen Animation Workshop

Flick Book Workshop

#BeACreativeProducer Flick Book Animation Workshop

Lluis led a flick book workshop – you can see the activity here.

#BeACreativeProducer Flick Book Animation Workshop

#BeACreativeProducer Flick Book Animation Workshop

Demo Making Workshop

#BeACreativeProducer Demo Animation Workshop

And Immy led a session making small placards to animate – see the activity here. 


Finally the teenagers showed the Yr 6 a final film which is a quick quiz to help the children think about how they currently use digital media, and to plant the seed that we can all become producers, as well as consumers and use digital media to help us feed our creativity:

See all the films and animations made as part of the #BeACreativeProducer Project here. And you can register for updates on the project and tell us how you might like to use these resources here. 

See the films presented as part of a Digital Wellbeing Week here. 

Inspired to make films and animations? Enter our latest competition here!

This is a sample of a resource created by UK Charity AccessArt. We have over 1500 resources to help develop and inspire your creative thinking, practice and teaching.

AccessArt welcomes artists, educators, teachers and parents both in the UK and overseas.

We believe everyone has the right to be creative and by working together and sharing ideas we can enable everyone to reach their creative potential.