Be a Resource Contributor



AccessArt is a unique organisation!

We work in collaboration with artists, educators, schools, museums, galleries and arts organisations to create inspirational visual arts resources. 

Find out how you can be an AccessArt resource contributor below.

Please contact for more information.

Join AccessArt
Year 6, Ruth at Carden Primary School

A big part of what makes AccessArt special is the evolving collection of unique resources which form a huge pot of inspiration for our users.

As well as inspiring others, these resources also serve to highlight artist educator practice, providing a ‘shop window’ for your work so that you can reach new audiences and find new work. They also help provide a legacy home for projects which might otherwise not get shared quite so effectively.

Resource contributors can live in the UK or overseas. You might be working alone, in partnership or with another organisation. Wherever possible we try to ensure contributors are paid for their contribution.


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Information for Artist Educators

Find out how to propose a resource if you are an Artist Educator.

Find out how to propose a resource if you are an Artist Educator.

Information for Artists

Find out how to propose a resource if you are an Artist.

Find out how to propose a resource if you are an Artist.

See all current contributors

See the creative practitioners and artist educators who have created posts for AccessArt.

See the creative practitioners and artist educators who have created posts for AccessArt.