The #BeACreativeProducer Project Aims to Inspire & Enable Teenager Creativity Through Film & Animation. Start Your #BeACreativeProducer Journey Here!
Animations to Inspire
Made by the #BeACreativeProducer team, we have over 25 minutes of film and animation to inspire your teenagers.
The animations are the result of over 9 months work by 5 young people from Cambridgeshire, with all the artwork, sound, and animation created by the teenagers themselves.
Resources to Enable
We have created a whole range of resources which share how we made our animations, so that you can make yours! Learn to make stop motion animations using characters (bought and made), green screen, flick books, photoshop editing, whiteboards, and cut out lettering.
Meet the Original #BeACreativeProducer Team
Background to the Project
The #BeACreativeProducer Project started in June 2018 when 5 teenagers (Alex, Amelia, Immy, Lluis and Rowan) led by Paula Briggs from AccessArt, began on a journey to make animations designed to inspire creativity in other teenagers.
The legacy of the project – the Final Animations, and Resources, are an inclusive way to widen the benefits of the project to audiences of young people in the UK and overseas.
The #BeACreativeProducer project encourages teenagers to work collaboratively, or alone, to create film and animations about the things they care about, and so helps young people develop their voice.
The project also helps teenagers balance their experience of the digital and physical world to feed their creativity.
Why Animation?
Exploring animation and film is an amazing way to inspire and enable teenage creativity.
The original #BeACreativeProducer Project demonstrates that an exploration of film and animation can offer teenagers a unique opportunity to develop their own creative interests, whatever they might be. Better still, by contributing those interests to a collaborative project they could then see the results valued by others.
The project encouraged teenagers to value their passions and skills, including woodwork, craft, printmaking, painting, drawing, calligraphy, drama, playing instruments, composing music (physically and digitally), and photo and film editing. All these skills have been brought together to make the final films and animations.
Teenagers can work alone or in small groups to make their animations. Whilst some teenagers will prefer to work alone and bring a variety of skills into their project, others will prefer to work collaboratively, sharing skills and inspiring each other.
Finally, making animations and films about things young people care about is the perfect way to help teenagers find and share their voice.
Who Might Enjoy Taking Part?
The #BeACreativeProducer project is suitable for ages 10 to 16.
Teachers might like to use the animations in assemblies, classrooms and after school clubs to promote discussion amongst pupils about why we should value and develop our creativity, and to inspire their own #BeACreativeProducer journey.
Workshop leaders or facilitators might also like to use the resources in galleries, museums and community centres with youth groups and workshop audiences.
Parents and home educators might like to help facilitate the #BeACreativeProducer journey with their families.
Watch our Animations
Watch All The Animations
See our Resources
See The Animation Resources
Organise a Digital Wellbeing Week
Find Out How You Can Use Our Films To Explore Digital Wellbeing
See How The Resources Are Being Used With Pupils
See how others have used the resources and be inspired…
See the Winners of our Last Call
See all Winners!
See the #BeACreativeProducer Project Show Reel
See Our Bloopers!
See the Original Team Present at the Houses of Parliament!
Read Their Presentation
Giving Teenagers Their Voice Through Film & Animation
“Imogen has really enjoyed being part of the team for the CP project. Although she was a creative individual before the project (participating in lots of dance classes and playing/composing classical music) Imogen has been introduced to many more creative avenues and now has a much broader view of creativity.
She particularly liked the group discussions that the team had at various stages, learning how to work as part of a small team, picking up new skills associated with stop motion animation, helping to run workshops, interviewing others and filming. Imogen is excited about the idea that the project might encourage other teenagers to become more creative in the future.
Overall her confidence has visibly improved as a result of this opportunity and she understands much more about how digital technology can be used to great effect in creative situations.”
Parent of #BeACreativeProducer teenager
“As part of the #BeACreativeProducer team Amelia has worked on an exciting animation project from initial concept all the way through to a fabulous finished product. With constant encouragement from Paula, ample opportunity to try things out, to reflect on and overcome false starts, and plenty of hard work later, Amelia is really proud of the results that the team has achieved.
An unexpected side-effect is that she has also gained great confidence in public speaking through canvassing members of the public for contributions to the project, leading workshops for (even) young(er) people and being part of the team that presented the project to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Art, Craft and Design in Education.” Parent of #BeACreativeProducer teenager
“The #BeACreativeProducer project ‘can do’ approach teaches teenagers to pick themselves up when they are down, demonstrates how collaboration and communication encourage creative thinking, provides stimulation, inspiration and constant feedback so that they never feel alone in their creative bubble.
Alex has grown in maturity and confidence as a member of the #BeACreativeProducer team. He has shown a level of commitment and tenacity beyond his years and far in excess of that we could expect a year ago; composing music for the project has given him a focus and reason for his creative exploration. He really understands that effort = output, has a real sense of pride in his work and values the importance of the team members and their network of mutual support.” Parent of #BeACreativeProducer teenager