Barbie & Ken Transformation


By Paula Briggs

This adaptable resource shares how we transformed Barbie dolls using paper, fabric, modroc and paint. We had great fun researching and designing costumes and exploring appropriate materials.

Transformed Barbies (and a Ken)
Transformed Barbies (and a Ken)


To Begin…

I bought a job lot of old Barbie dolls from ebay. Our first task was to get them to stand up. We did this by creating heavy bases for the dolls from Plaster of Paris cast into cardboard or plastic lids. We had to be patience, and wait for the plaster to start to go off before holding the Barbies in place, allowing the plaster to set around the feet. However if you don’t want to use plaster you could make sturdy bases from thick cardboard attached to the feet of the dolls by a glue gun. You could also try making architectural coloumns as we did in this resource.

Barbies standing in plaster bases
Barbies standing in plaster bases

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