Arts and Minds: Expressive Monoprinting on a Big Scale


Session led by Sheila Ceccarelli (artist) and Yael Pilowsky Bankirer (Psychotherapist)

This was the sixth session at Cambourne Village College as part of the ‘Young People’s Pilot’, coordinated and managed by Arts and Minds, a leading arts and mental health charity in Cambridgeshire.

Back to “Heart-Work” Arts and Wellbeing Project

Introduction by Sheila Ceccarelli

In past sessions the young people have loved any opportunity to work expressively and with an abundance of materials, so I thought that the chance to roll printing ink and acrylic paint directly onto the table (protected with heavy duty plasticised paper) and monoprinting inspired by drawing leaves the week before, would be fun.

Also in the previous week students had enjoyed drawing leaves and some had started taking prints from them as a part of their process. This session followed on nicely from that idea.

Working on this scale was exciting. As always the session was time limited but that also meant that a huge amount of energy was created in the room which led to creative, open, experimental and unexpected outcomes.

Arts and Minds - Cambourne - week six - monoprinting - SC

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