Arts and Minds: A ‘Heart-Work’ Conversation


By Sheila Ceccarelli (artist) and Yael Pilowsky Bankirer (Psychotherapist)

Week two with students at Cambourne Village College as part of the ‘Young People’s Pilot’, coordinated and managed by Arts and Minds, a leading arts and mental health charity in Cambridgeshire.

Teenagers were introduced to graphite, charcoal, masking tape and acrylic paint as mediums for communal expressive mark making. A collective drawing was produced, whereby students were encouraged to work in collaboration and in response to each other.

This session was also about building up a repertoire of mark making experience and a vocabulary for working together.

Three separate ‘canvases’ were produced by three different groups.

Back to “Heart-Work” Arts and Wellbeing Project

First Marks

Graphite, Charcoal and Masking Tape

Arts and Minds - Cambourne VC - Week Two - SC


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