Artist Studio Series: Sherrie Leigh Jones


By Scarlett Rebecca.

In this Artist Studio series I will be talking to a range of artists about how they work, visiting their studios; finding out about the peculiarities of their studios, how they use them and what the studios mean to them. I will be visiting an artist with a tiny space in their garage, artists in shared studios with other people and shared facilities, and I will also be sharing an insight into my own home studio space. 

A sign leaning against a plan chest.

Next in my series of studio visits is to the Printmaking Cooperative North Star Studios with artist and printmaker Sherrie Leigh Jones. I was interested in talking to Sherrie-Leigh to find out more about how North Star studios works and what it means to be part of a cooperative workshop. I also wanted to talk about how she finds working between her home studio and the print workshops, and how she divides her time between the two places.

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