Art in Schools: Linton Heights Junior School

By Anna Campbell.

In this post, Art Lead Anna talks us through the process of developing a rich and varied Visual Arts and D&T offer in her setting, including setting up after school and lunch clubs; a sensory trolley; and attending CPD and training.

Children participating in a collaborative collage

I first came to Linton Heights Junior School to run an after school Art Club. I have always loved everything about art and design: using your hands, using different tools and media. It’s such a wonderful subject.

After a few months I exhibited creations the children had made alongside class teachers and got to know the friendly and supportive staff. About a year later a job vacancy came up at the school for a Teaching Assistant. I went for the job and got it!

As well as being a Teaching Assistant I often worked with our previous Art Lead Rosie. We would attend art CPD events together and I would help with Creative Arts Week adding some of my own ideas and teaching them.

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