Ann Bridges – Poetry and Printmaking


Ann Bridges

One Good Churn by Michael Tod
Image inspired by One Good Churn by Michael Tod


Printmaker Ann Bridges shares her love of poetry and printmaking in this illustrated resource, which enables children to make imagery inspired by poetry.

This project was shared with AccessArt as part of the 40 Artist Educator Project, funded by Arts Council England, aiming to highlight and celebrate artist-led teaching and facilitation.

Rollers and Rhymes (A Poetry and Printmaking Project)

I was invited to be Artist in Residence at three Primary schools. Four consecutive days were spent in one class in each school, over a period of three weeks. The chosen theme for the residencies was Poetry (riddles and rhymes) using a different poem in each school.

Pupils were given the opportunity to explore printmaking processes and techniques to produce images that would interpret and illustrate the poems. An exhibition was planned to show the artworks alongside the poems which was to be held in a local theatre/gallery space. The activity started with a mixed class of children from years 3 and 4.

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