Animal Sculpture and Collage with Students at Philip Southcote School, Surrey


Sheila Ceccarelli and Andrea Butler were invited to Philip Southcote School in Surrey to lead an all day workshop exploring collage and sculpture.

Philip Southcote is ‘a small, nurturing and supportive community of young people with a range of special educational needs including autism, speech and language needs and a range of medical, physical and sensory needs.’

Initially the school had wanted a workshop to help students explore themes around ‘identity’.

Cheetah - Students at Philip Southcote explored themes around identity by creating collages and mixed media sculpture inspired by animals and their characteristics and habitats
Cheetah – Students at Philip Southcote explored themes around identity by creating collages and mixed media sculpture inspired by animals and their characteristics and habitats


Andrea and Sheila having not yet met the students, brainstormed a potential way into the subject and felt that it would be helpful to hang the day on a more tangible theme and that by exploring characteristics, habitats and personalities of animals the notion of ‘identity’ could slip in.

Andrea and Sheila planned a broad range of process based activities on which to build both visual and tactile experiences.

Based on a combination of AccessArt workshops with input from several contributing artists including Susie Olczak, Racheal Causer, Jo Allen and workshops by Paula, Andrea and Sheila carefully structured the day.

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