Analogue Drawing


By Elizabeth Hammond

In this post artist Elizabeth Hammond demonstrates how to use mark making to describe emotions. This works on many levels, not only exploring different ways of using certain media but learning and understanding the importance of visual language. We can say so much more with a line than in words! Become a member to watch the full video.

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

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“This activity highlights how visual communication can be used to convey emotion. When artwork is relatable in a human and emotive way it can be really powerful. Learning how to translate feeling into mark-making is a really important skill and can help children break down the essence of a range of their own emotions, and communicate it to others. Explore colour and a range of materials to enrich this experience.” – Tobi, AccessArt.