All That Glitters…


By Jan Miller

This resource is part of a collection of resources by Jan Miller called Teaching Art to Year Three.

After studying the work of contemporary artist Andrew Logan, pupils have fun playing with materials that glitter and sparkle, developing their design and making skills to produce personalised brooches, decorative images of celebrities and gorgeous treasure glitter boards.  Finally, they explore portrait drawing, creating a sparkly ‘selfie’!

Jan Miller shares her processes for the projects which can be used with children aged 7 to 14 (any KS, 2, 3 children).

'All that Glitters...' by Jan Miller


What child doesn’t like glitter? I try to avoid the ‘g’ word in my class, but very occasionally a project just calls for a little sparkle. A visit to the Andrew Logan Museum inspired the creation of some extremely ‘bling art’ and a very shiny response to portraiture.


  • Take influence from an artist’s style
  • Use sketchbooks to gather information
  • Use decorative materials to add interest
  • Explore the possibilities of decorative materials
  • Produce an individual response, focussing on pattern, texture and shape
  • Working spontaneously, with pace
  • Develop several pieces of art, working on a theme
  • Develop a project in which all abilities can feel a sense of achievement

Who are the sessions aimed at?

The sessions were run with children aged 11 in year 7.  The resources below can be used with children aged 7 to 14 (any KS, 2, 3 children).'All that Glitters...' by Jan Miller

Which areas of exploration are covered?

  • Drawing from observation
  • Develop knowledge of portraiture
  • Develop knowledge of ‘scaling up’
  • Drawing and toning skills
  • Exploring new materials for making art – exploring texture and layering using a full palette of colour
  • Learning through play and experimentation
  • Working spontaneously

How much time is needed?

Each of the five sessions took an hour with the whole class. If you were working with a smaller group of children the activities may take less time. If time is limited, you may just allocate one hour with one technique. The lessons progressively built on each other and the children developed an understanding of process and materials. If you followed all the sessions you would cover the areas of exploration listed. The teacher could complete more of the preparation – allocating materials in tubs on tables. Sketchbooks were available in all lessons to continue research drawing and making notes. The lesson could involve the children drawing their labelled plan of intentions first or spontaneous making.

Extension ideas


Begin a collection box for unwanted or broken jewellery, beads, glass, buttons, bottle tops, small toys – ask children to bring in donations.  We used a cheap pink wig for collage.

'All that Glitters...' by Jan Miller

Where might the sessions be used?

  • Classrooms (as part of art lessons or workshop)
  • After school art club or AG&T group
  • Community groups (i.e. Scouts and Guides)
  • Gallery, Museum or Art Organisation workshop

Materials and Equipment Preparation

  • Scissors, glue gun, PVA, spatulas, masking tape
  • Sequins, glitter
  • Patterned papers or recycled wallpaper books or samples
  • Coloured tissue, cellophane, shredded paper
  • Images of a celebrity to decorate
  • Wood off-cut squares- you can use any size or alternatively – stiff grey board
  • Tile adhesive
  • Beads, buttons, glass, sequins
  • Disposable rubber gloves/goggles – optional safety equipment
  • A2 paper, pencils, erasers
  • Plastic mirror or photo of each child
  • Inks, paints, glitter, black paint, oil pastels
  • Wooden base off-cut. Broken mirror, grey floor adhesive/grout, glitter ball, glitter, images of religious icons, plastic flowers, beer bottle tops

'All that Glitters...' by Jan Miller

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